Featured News

Zimbabwean Permits Ready for Collection in Cape Town

List of permits that are ready to be collected!

There are currently hundreds of permits that are ready for collection at the DHA Offices in Bellville (Boston House on Vortrekker Road). Below is a list of names of people who should go to Bellville to pick up their permits as soon as possible! If you have any questions, please call 021 762 0322. For more information on the ZDP, click here.

(The table below is organised by alphabetical order of surnames. Scroll down to search for names. An example of a reference number is WYN184/2010/DZP.)


Featured News

Acid attack victim turns to social media

Susan* is the Zimbabwean woman who has withheld her name for the time being because she has yet to tell her family of the horrific attack she incurred and also fears for her safety as the attack is still being investigated. She has made the decision to open a Facebook account and twitter account in an attempt to share her views and experiences as well as attempting to raise funds for her important surgeries. She encourages people to add her on Facebook – Susan Forgives and to follow her on Twitter- @SusanForgives. Please send her messages of support- She has been through a terrible attack in Cape Town where randomly a man threw acid into her face in a mini-taxi on her way home from work. She is now trying rebuild her life and to raise the money for facial reconstruction. About R 450 000 is needed to complete all the surgeries. Should she raise the funds she will still have to endure many traumatic operations and about 4 years of rehabilitation. Although she has forgiven the perpetrator she still has to identify the suspect and assist in the criminal investigations ahead– mainly she wants to know why this happened- so she can rebuild her life.

For comment please contact her on Facebook or Twitter- or phone her spokesperson/friend/employer Dr Parker on 0769547448

Featured News

August Newsletter Now Available!

The latest edition of PASSOP Watch is now available here. It includes stories on the recent police settlement with PASSOP’s Director, an update on the Zimbabwean Dispensation Project, a new report on the link between mass deportation and xenophobia, the implications of a changing SA immigration policy, the Somalia Famine Relief event, refugee stories and humanitarian aid cases, and more.


Press Statement: Acid attack woman to speak to media



The young Zimbabwean woman who suffered serious facial injuries after being attacked with acid on a mini-bus has agreed to speak at a press conference tonight in order to make an important announcement to the public. She will be joined by the Doctor who has set up a fund to support the expensive reconstructive surgery she needs, as well as representatives from PASSOP and COSATU.

The press conference will be held at IDASA House, 6 Spin street, this evening (September 7, 2011) at 6:30pm. We invite the media to attend.

For more information please Arafat 0721554147 or Dr Parker 0769547448

Events Featured News

Swaziland Independence Day Protest

Swaziland Independence Day Protest

Swaziland Democracy Campaign -Western Cape Chapter

The South African government has sent less that 20 million rand to help those starving in the Horn of Africa and yet it is willing to grant a R2.4 billion loan to Swaziland’s corrupt regime of King Mswati. This loan will only sustain an unsustainable system and perpetuate the continued oppression and suffering of the people of Swaziland. We should only allow the South African government to release the money after the un-banning of political parties and unions, a commitment to free and fair elections for a democratic multi-party state, the freeing of media and the decentralisation of the economy from the monarch.

Sadly on a day when we should be celebrating the independence of the people of Swaziland we chose to protest against an unelected leader, an absolute monarch that controls the country as his private fiefdom and who has failed his people. We protested to demand that the South African government stop meddling with Swaziland’s affairs and that it consider sending more aid directly to the people of Africa in need and less to corrupt and autocratic leaders.

Our protest action against the government loan to Swaziland’s monarchy took place on Tuesday 6th September. It was attended by over 50 people and covered in the media. We handed over a morandum to the representative of the parliamentary committee international relations at the gates of parliament. To view the memorandum, click here.

Featured News

Distribution of ZDP permits continues

Distribution of Zimbabwean permits continue

PASSOP would like to inform Zimbabweans that the distribution of permits applied for under the Zimbabwean Dispensation Project continues. We call for further patience from relevant stakeholders around South Africa.

We wish to inform all Zimbabweans who are awaiting their permits that the process is still underway at the regional Department of Home Affairs (DHA) offices across the country. It appears that the department will continue, “until the process is complete”. The DHA continues to send SMSs to Zimbabweans who need to submit their fingerprints and to those whose permits are ready for collection. There are also many Zimbabweans who are presenting themselves (to the DHA offices where they applied) to submit outstanding documents such as proof of employment letters, copies of Zimbabwean passports etc, to support their applications. We are aware that there remain thousands of people still waiting for SMSs, who should in due course receive smses to submit fingerprints and later SMSs to collect their permits.

We remain concerned that some Zimbabweans have not yet received their passports from the Zimbabwean Consulate.  The DHA will take fingerprints of anyone who does not have their passports. We are also worried that employers and banks are getting anxious with the prolonged finalization of the issuing and distribution of the ZDP permits. Nevertheless, it remains unclear exactly when they will complete the distribution of permits, however it appears that the Department of Home Affairs will not “shut or stop” the project until everyone who submitted their application is given a fair chance to collect their permits.

We urge employers not to unlawfully dismiss Zimbabwean employees who are still waiting for their permits, banks not to ‘freeze’ bank accounts of their Zimbabwean clients and educational institutions not to de-register students while the Department continues to work on their applications. We also advise employers to give their Zimbabwean employees time to come to the Department when they receive SMSs to complete the process and to follow up on their applications. Those who receive notification that their outcome is ready for collection should also go as soon as possible to collect their results to ensure that the process is concluded. For more on the latest information regarding fingerprints, SMSs, etc., click here.


New ZDP Announcements

Important ZDP announcements:

During the past two weeks, a large number of Zimbabweans have been coming to the DHA office at Bellville for their fingerprints to be taken. They are still taking fingerprints of those who have received SMSs to come do so. Please take note of the following:

  1. If you receive an SMS instructing you to come for fingerprints while you are in Cape Town, even if you submitted your application in Paarl, George, or any other DHA centre in South Africa, you can come to DHA Bellville. They will take your fingerprints. You don’t have to travel all the way to the other two DHA offices for your fingerprints to be taken.
  2. If you cannot receive SMSs because you lost your phone or any other reason, and you are not sure whether your SMS was sent or not, do not hesitate to come forward and ask at DHA Bellville. They will check for you on their system.
  3. There are more than 450 uncollected permits at DHA Bellville. If you applied before 15th December 2010, you should come and check if your permit is ready for collection.
If you have any questions or want clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 021 762 0322 or 

Press Statement: SAPS settles on Braam Hanekom Court Case

Press Statement


PASSOP welcomes the closure brought by the settlement offered by the South African Police Service and accepted by Braam Hanekom While helping asylum seekers obtain documentation lawfully, Braam Hanekom suffered targeted and unlawful arrests in January 2008. He immediately embarked on legal action against the police as he believed that his rights were violated in a traumatic way, and that he had suffered damage to his reputation. The two arrests were on the 8th and 9th of January, they were reported by the Cape Times and Cape Argus (articles below). His matter was to finally be heard in the high court today, however half an hour before court proceedings the state offered a settlement which included full payment of all his legal costs (high court) and payment of an undisclosed amount of money. We hope that police officers will realise that reckless behavior on their part will not go unchallenged by members of the public. We welcome the settlement as we were confident in his case and during litigation the legal costs would have escalated. These costs are ultimately paid for by citizen and immigrant tax payers and would amount to an additional hundreds of thousand of rand being wasted, so a settlement is welcomed. Braam Hanekom has undertaken to donate every cent of his payout to human rights work, not only through PASSOP but also through other local organisations. For Comment contact Doug Leresche 0797127341


PRESS STATEMENT: Mass Deportation and the threat to Xenophobic Tensions

Press Statement for immediate release

PASSOP concerned by APPS report and worried about the impact of the deportation debate on the safety of immigrants

PASSOP would like to express its concern following the release of the (Africa Project for a Participatory Society)  APPS report last week regarding South African residents’ perceptions around deportation after the end of the Zimbabwe Documentation Project (ZDP). We are worried that the government’s plan to lift the moratorium on deportation of Zimbabweans may intensify xenophobic tensions in communities. We strongly urge the South African government and civil society to exercise extreme caution in their public statements on the subject matter, as they can have serious ramifications to social stability in the country. Any increased deportation of immigrants has always been and will be a costly move, both in financial terms and in human suffering. PASSOP further believes that the likely violence that will follow a return to deporting larger numbers (of undocumented immigrants and or rejected refugee applicants) will project a negative image of South Africa’s human rights image across the African continent and the world at large. South Africa still suffers from the irreparable damage done by the May, 2008 xenophobic violence. For these and other reasons, it is our firm believe that to embark any substantial deportation of Zimbabweans, and/or other foreigners would be a very dangerous move by South African government to do. We trust that the stability and safety of all who live in South Africa will be the top priority as the Zimbabwean Documentation Project continues. 

For Comment please contact:
Braam Hanekom on 0843191764 or Arafat Bion Matovu 0721554147 or email
Events News

PRESS STATEMENT: Western Cape Fights Famine Fundraiser Event

Press Statement


PASSOP and the Gift of the Givers urges the general public in the Western Cape to attend a cultural event this Saturday to raise money for the victims of the devastating famine in the Horn of Africa. The event, Western Cape Fights Famine – Horn of Africa Relief, is being organised by a broad range of civil society organizations, including PASSOP, the Institute for Healing of Memories, the Muslim Judicial Council, the Scalabrini Centre, Frontline Africa and the Somalia Refugee Aid Association (SORAA).

The event will include music and dance performances, poetry readings, a short documentary screening, speeches from political leaders and a special video message from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. All money raised at this event will go to the humanitarian efforts of the non-profit Gift of the Givers Foundation.

We encourage the general public to take action against the famine and join us to show that the Western Cape cares.  The event will be held this Saturday, 27th of August, from 2-5pm at St. Joseph’s Marist College (Belmont Road) in Rondebosch, Cape Town.

Tickets: General R100/Students R80. Tickets can be bought at the door.

For more information visit or our event page on Facebook.

For comment, please contact David (PASSOP) @ 074 660-2583 or Gawa (Gift of the Givers) @ 083 661-3035.


The Horn of Africa is in crisis. In the last 90 days, over 29,000 children under the age of five have died of starvation. According to the latest United Nations report, this epidemic is threatening more lives every day as it rapidly spreads to new regions. It is now affecting up to 12 million people, and has developed into the worst famine in the region in over two decades.