Events News

Press Statement: Susan Press Conference

PASSOP is holding Press Conference with ‘Susan Forgives’ at 3pm at IDASA House today, Monday October 10th, 2011.

Press Release – For Immediate Release

CAPE TOWN – In light of the huge costs ahead faced by acid attack victim, “Susan Forgives”, PASSOP and an event company, “Someone’s Getting Fired”, have organised a fundraising event to take place at the Jade Bar and Lounge on Wednesday the 12th of October.

A press conference will be held today at 3pm at IDASA House, 6 Spin St. Cape Town. “Susan” will be in attendance and will give an update on her progress over the last few weeks. Jack Mantis, a local musician who is playing for free in this fundraising event and members of his band will also be present.

We are appealing for support from the media in raising awareness about the event.

For more information please call Chandra Frank 0730551564 Arafat Matovu 0721554147

Events News

Press Statement: Protest against xenophobic attacks

Immigrants and South Africans protesting outside court hearing of group arrested for the xenophobic attacks

Monday 10 Oct, 2011; 9am-10am, Seshego Magistrates Court, Polokwane

“We want peace but we also want justice.”

The group on trial, which includes ANC ward councillor, Mrs Tebogo Mojapelo, will be attending their second court hearing. We recognise that the provincial ANC has taken the matter seriously and spoken out, although we had hoped that she would be suspended- until she is either cleared or found guilty.

The horrific violence that occurred led to the displacement of hundreds of Zimbabweans and to the death of at least one person. It was a sad day in which the founding values of the new South Africa were undermined and the spirit of Ubuntu was completely ignored.

We know that the people of Limpopo, Polokwane and specifically those of Seshego have in the past resisted turning on their neighbors and thus hope that the perpetrators who provoked their community are dealt with. They have tarnished the image of not just Seshego but the whole country. We trust that the law will protect those who are innocent, but in turn hold criminals who are guilty to account.

Sadly, despite the ANC stating, “the courts would decide on their councilor’s guilt or innocence”, many ANC members in ANC t-shirts protested outside in the councillors support. We believe that no ANC members should be wearing t-shirts and openly supporting her, as this creates the impression that the ANC has either decided on her innocence or the ANC is standing by her- even if found guilty. This is serious cause for concern, as she is the third case of an ANC councilor being implicated-following those in De Doorns and a case in Durban.

We believe that the ANC has done much work against xenophobia and violence against foreigners, but hope that they ensure that there are no members publicly supporting those accused of xenophobic, violence against foreigners or afrophobic attacks.

We trust that the police have put together a strong case and that the justice system will show that violence against any people will not be tolerated.

The protest is being organised by VOM and PASSOP

For more information of media enquiries please contact:(VOM) Elvis Anusa 078 604 2286 and (PASSOP) Langton Miriyoga 084026965

Events Featured News

Swaziland Independence Day Protest

Swaziland Independence Day Protest

Swaziland Democracy Campaign -Western Cape Chapter

The South African government has sent less that 20 million rand to help those starving in the Horn of Africa and yet it is willing to grant a R2.4 billion loan to Swaziland’s corrupt regime of King Mswati. This loan will only sustain an unsustainable system and perpetuate the continued oppression and suffering of the people of Swaziland. We should only allow the South African government to release the money after the un-banning of political parties and unions, a commitment to free and fair elections for a democratic multi-party state, the freeing of media and the decentralisation of the economy from the monarch.

Sadly on a day when we should be celebrating the independence of the people of Swaziland we chose to protest against an unelected leader, an absolute monarch that controls the country as his private fiefdom and who has failed his people. We protested to demand that the South African government stop meddling with Swaziland’s affairs and that it consider sending more aid directly to the people of Africa in need and less to corrupt and autocratic leaders.

Our protest action against the government loan to Swaziland’s monarchy took place on Tuesday 6th September. It was attended by over 50 people and covered in the media. We handed over a morandum to the representative of the parliamentary committee international relations at the gates of parliament. To view the memorandum, click here.

Events News

PRESS STATEMENT: Western Cape Fights Famine Fundraiser Event

Press Statement


PASSOP and the Gift of the Givers urges the general public in the Western Cape to attend a cultural event this Saturday to raise money for the victims of the devastating famine in the Horn of Africa. The event, Western Cape Fights Famine – Horn of Africa Relief, is being organised by a broad range of civil society organizations, including PASSOP, the Institute for Healing of Memories, the Muslim Judicial Council, the Scalabrini Centre, Frontline Africa and the Somalia Refugee Aid Association (SORAA).

The event will include music and dance performances, poetry readings, a short documentary screening, speeches from political leaders and a special video message from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. All money raised at this event will go to the humanitarian efforts of the non-profit Gift of the Givers Foundation.

We encourage the general public to take action against the famine and join us to show that the Western Cape cares.  The event will be held this Saturday, 27th of August, from 2-5pm at St. Joseph’s Marist College (Belmont Road) in Rondebosch, Cape Town.

Tickets: General R100/Students R80. Tickets can be bought at the door.

For more information visit or our event page on Facebook.

For comment, please contact David (PASSOP) @ 074 660-2583 or Gawa (Gift of the Givers) @ 083 661-3035.


The Horn of Africa is in crisis. In the last 90 days, over 29,000 children under the age of five have died of starvation. According to the latest United Nations report, this epidemic is threatening more lives every day as it rapidly spreads to new regions. It is now affecting up to 12 million people, and has developed into the worst famine in the region in over two decades.

Events Featured News

Western Cape Fights Famine: Horn of Africa Relief

The Horn of Africa is in crisis. In the last 90 days, over 29,000 children under the age of five have died of starvation. According to the latest United Nations report, this epidemic is threatening more lives every day as it rapidly spreads to new regions. It is now affecting up to 12 million people, and has developed into the worst famine in the region in over two decades.

PASSOP, in partnership with several other organisations, is hosting a fundraiser to benefit victims of the devastating famine in the Horn of Africa. The cultural event, Western Cape Fights Famine: Horn of Africa Relief, will include music and dance performances, poetry readings, speeches from political leaders, and a special message from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Every Rand raised will go to Somalia’s starving children. All proceeds will go to humanitarian efforts of the non-profit Gift of the Givers Foundation, the largest disaster relief organisation on the African continent.

To view a special message by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in support of the event, please click here.

Take action against the famine and join us to show that the Western Cape cares.

Saturday, 27 of August, 2-5pm at St. Joseph’s Marist College (Belmont Road), Rondebosch, Cape Town.

Tickets: General R100/Students R80

If you cannot attend and still want to assist, donations can be made to the following account. Please make the reference of any transfer “Famine Relief”.

Account Name: PASSOP

Bank: Nedbank

Account Type: Current

Account #: 1048074730

Branch Code: 104809

For more information, email or call 021 762-0322.

Events Featured News

‘The road to documentation’ Report Launched



PASSOP has launched its monitoring report “The Road to Documentation: Asylum Seekers’ Access to the Cape Town Refugee Reception Centre” (can be downloaded here) which exposes the unfair treatment of asylum-seekers attempting to legalise themselves at the Cape Town Refugee Reception Office in Maitland. The report exposes that in two weeks over 1600 people were turned away unassisted, several people were physically abused and asylum seekers were left without toilets for over a month.  The number of people left unassisted is of particular concern in light of the new amendments to the immigration act which allow for jail terms for undocumented immigrants and that provide only 5 days for asylum seekers to apply for Asylum.

The report launch included a discussion chaired by Braam Hanekom, the monitoring Project Manager, Alaina Varvaloucas, and monitors Stanford Hove and Kumbirai Bvuna. Members of the press and other interested parties attended.


In the past few months, Parliament has passed several major changes to the Immigration Act of 2002, two of which PASSOP believes will significantly affect asylum-seekers. The first is reducing the asylum transit permit, a 14-day permit, which allows asylum-seekers to enter South Africa provided they report to a Refugee Reception Office (RRO) within the allotted 14 days, to 5 days. The second is instituting jail sentences of 2.5-4 years for undocumented migrants and for those caught aiding or knowingly employing undocumented migrants. Since refugee reception centres around South Africa operate at an under-capacity, many new asylum-seekers are not able to successfully get access to an RRO’s services within 14 days, and many more go undocumented because they are consistently turned away from centres and refused documents. Reducing the asylum transit permit—often referred to as a border pass—to 5 days will thus be to the detriment of thousands more asylum-seekers, and mandating that an undocumented migrant be jailed with criminals for several years, especially when that migrant may be undocumented through no fault of his or her own, is a cruel overreaction.

To assess ease of access to documentation at the Cape Town RRO, PASSOP monitors surveyed every person coming out of the Cape Town centre during all opening hours for two weeks. In total, 1,659 people were refused service for various reasons, including: a lack of supplies and paper, employees not coming to work, missing or expired transit visas, queues being too long, and others. Three major and several minor violent incidents of guards attacking people in the queue were recorded, as well as multiple instances of corruption. The report finds that due to the RRO’s inability to serve asylum-seekers in an efficient, consistent, and courteous manner, the situation at the Cape Town centre will only become worse when DHA officials begin implementing the new amendments to the Immigration Act. If the new amendments are to be fair policies, the Cape Town centre, as well as the other five centres in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Musina, Durban, and Port Elizabeth, must drastically improve its service delivery.


Protest against human rights abuses in Zimbabwe

Join us in protesting against the unjust detention and torture of 45 activists in Harare last week. The group of community leaders and activists were watching a video on the recent revolutions in North Africa when they were arrested, charged with treason and tortured. They are still being detained and denied access to medical treatment.  It seems that Mugabe is nervous that Zimbabweans will be inspired by the toppling of the regimes in Cairo, Tunis and (hopefully) Tripoli. But this is just the most recent of a rapidly increasing number of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe in the run-up to elections later this year.

We are demanding that the South African government should act now and take a public and firm stance against such human rights violations. To this end, we will submit a memorandum to members of Parliament at the protest.

The protest will take place from 10:30 to 1 pm tomorrow (on Tuesday, March 1st) outside Parliament on Plein Street in downtown Cape Town. It will coincide and be in solidarity with the planned ‘Million Citizens March’ that will take place in Harare at the same time tomorrow. The situation in Harare is tense at the moment, as Zanu-PF is mobilizing to intimidate and constrain the movements of people who want to attend the protest tomorrow.

For the press statement, please click here: Protest against human rights abuses in Zimbabwe