
Updated Lists of Wynberg DZP permits ready for collection

List of permits that are ready to be collected!

Below is the latest list of permits ready for collection at Bellville. The old list is below that. If you have any questions, please call 021 762 0322. For more information on the ZDP, click here.

The list of permits fro PAARL can be viewed here.

NEW Wynberg list:

WYN      2532       2011       DZP        I               Alfred

WYN      5518       2011       DZP        T              Bande

WYN      1594       2011       DZP        L.R.         Butau

WYN      2382       2011       DZP        F              Change

WYN      2008       2011       DZP        K.S.        Chibaya

WYN      992         2010       DZP        H.M.      Chigukira

WYN      2525       2011       DZP        M            Chigwida

WYN      2035       2011       DZP        F.D.        Chikondowa

WYN      2542       2011       DZP        D.R.        Chingwena

WYN      1523       2011       DZP        L              Chinhema

WYN      807         2011       DZP        P             Chiramba

WYN      2036       2011       DZP        M.T.       Chirara

WYN      2526       2011       DZP        Y              Chokore

WYN      2539       2011       DZP        S              Dzotso

WYN      2309       2011       DZP        D.T.        Dzvaka

WYN      1521       2011       DZP        E,F          Fetinandi

WYN      5658       2010       DZP        P             Gwarimbo

WYN      1095       2011       DZP        M            Hela

WYN      10937    2011       DZP        T              Hela

WYN      7982       2011       DZP        M            Homwe

WYN      2001       2011       DZP        E              James

WYN      2048       2011       DZP        M            Jwaba

WYN      2058       2011       DZP        C             Kamuchuruka

WYN      2531       2011       DZP        T              Kapachawo

WYN      2535       2011       DZP        K             Kaseke

WYN      2523       2011       DZP        B             Kasunungure

WYN      3843       2010       DZP        K             Kondo

WYN      10043    2011       DZP        G             Kurwakumire

WYN      2536       2011       DZP        T              Madamombe

WYN      3006       2010       DZP        T              Madiro

WYN      2549       2011       DZP        M.T.       Madzova

WYN      2533       2011       DZP        P.T.        Magaramombe

WYN      2522       2011       DZP        T.I.          Majoni

WYN      10510    2011       DZP        I               Makobe

WYN      2537       2011       DZP        M.R.      Mangwiro

WYN      7974       2011       DZP        S              Marangwanda

WYN      2021       2011       DZP        M            Marufu

WYN      3079       2010       DZP        C             Marukutiro

WYN      10059    2011       DZP        C.N.T.    Mashingaidze

WYN      196         2011       DZP        E              Mazhambe

WYN      2037       2011       DZP        I               Mazumba

WYN      10020    2011       DZP        F              Mlambo

WYN      1335       2010       DZP        R             Mubingi

WYN      2530       2011       DZP        M            Muchabaiwa

WYN      7709       2010       DZP        F              Muchaka

WYN      10040    2011       DZP        P             Mudumani

WYN      5242       2010       DZP        M            Mudyanevana

WYN      2013       2011       DZP        P             Mukatipa

WYN      2519       2011       DZP        F              Mukoko

WYN      2057       2011       DZP        T              Mukono

WYN      2513       2011       DZP        C             Mukurazhizha

WYN      2086       2011       DZP        E              Mukweshe

WYN      1142       2010       DZP        C             Munhira

WYN      1207       2010       DZP        A             Mupanganyi

WYN      5943       2010       DZP        V.P.        Mutangadura

WYN      10036    2011       DZP        C             Mutasa

WYN      2059       2011       DZP        T              Muvhuti

WYN      10532    2011       DZP        N             Muvirimi

WYN      2442       2010       DZP        G             Mwerenga

WYN      2056       2011       DZP        N             Ncube

WYN      632         2010       DZP        T              Ndlovu

WYN      33003    2010       DZP        C             Ndlovu

WYN      2053       2011       DZP        N             Ngwenya

WYN      7966       2011       DZP        L              Ngwenya

WYN      2527       2011       DZP        J              Nhete

WYN      6014       2010       DZP        B             Nkiwane

WYN      10037    2011       DZP        V.T.        Nsukuzonke

WYN      5515       2011       DZP        E              Nyagadzi

WYN      2016       2011       DZP        M            Nyakudya

WYN      10045    2011       DZP        N.U.       Nyaupembe

WYN      2042       2011       DZP        M            Pedzisai

WYN      3168       2010       DZP        M            Roki

WYN      2028       2011       DZP        F.D.        Sadini

WYN      611         2011       DZP        P             Shumba

WYN      7999       2011       DZP        R.O.       Siande

WYN      2595       2011       DZP        J              Tachiona

WYN      10517    2011       DZP        M            Tarirai

WYN      2145       2010       DZP        Z              Taruvinga

WYN      2087       2011       DZP        L.F.         Wayah

WYN      71           2010       DZP        S              Zavazava

WYN      6896       2010       DZP        R             Ziwenga

WYN      2019       2011       DZP        K             Zvokuomba

OLD Wynberg Lists:

The old list of permits that are ready is available here.

(The table below is organised by alphabetical order of surnames. Scroll down to search for names. An example of a reference number is WYN184/2010/DZP.)

21 replies on “Updated Lists of Wynberg DZP permits ready for collection”

ey guys we really appriciate your efforts , and we were kindly asking if you can also publish the list for paarl because the paarl office is giving us hell even if you phone to check the staus of the permits the dont answer their phones

We are not in touch with all the home affairs throughout the country but you should not hesitate to follow up your application with your office of application. The officials have a duty to keep you informed about the progress of your permit application.

If you need information, advice or assistance on any other ZDP related issues, please feel free to contact us.on 021 762 0322.

Blessed ar thoz who applied in Capetown coz that wher it seemz to b progress bcoz of PASSOP. It seemz in Gauteng therz nothnig going on. Mayb PASSOP mst put Gauteng especially Pretoria on check also coz i cnt see their progress. Pliz PASSOP spread yo wings ppl in Gauteng need u. Most ppl ar in dark. thank u.

We have sent a request to Paarl for an updated list. We hope that we will be able to post onto our website soon. Meanwhile, you can try to contact Paarl office on 021 870 4412 to check on the progress of your application.

Good luck.

Yes, permits are still coming received at offices where people applied, including Paarl. Some people are still coming for fingerprints while others are collecting their permits.Meanwhile, if you are having any problem whilst your application has not been finalised, please contact us on 021 762 0322 for advice and assistance.

I applied under dzp last in december with all relevant documents . I got my first sms , and second one got my fingerprints taken in june is year,but up to now I am still seating in the dark on my permit refer number is JHB 3030/9 /2010.

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