List of permits that are ready to be collected!
There are currently hundreds of permits that are ready for collection at the DHA Offices in Bellville (Boston House on Vortrekker Road). Below is a list of names of people who should go to Bellville to pick up their permits as soon as possible! If you have any questions, please call 021 762 0322. For more information on the ZDP, click here.
(The table below is organised by alphabetical order of surnames. Scroll down to search for names. An example of a reference number is WYN184/2010/DZP.)
21 replies on “Zimbabwean Permits Ready for Collection in Cape Town”
Still on wait 4 ma PERMIT
I’m on th waiting list and so wnt to confirm if my name is on th list.
stil waitng 4 my permit
waiting for my permit. I applied on 26 september 2010. My ref number. 1000145645. Wish u can help me follow up the delay.
Stll waiting for my permit.wish u wll help me by check’n if I’m nt on e list
[…] The old list of permits that are ready is available here. […]
Is my name on the waiting list
I need to know when my permit will be ready and how I can make a follow up please assist as I am now having problems with my employer.
How do i check if my permit is ready for collection in Pretoria
I just want to know if my name is amongst the list.I applied in November and i recieved my second sms in march.My ref number is 1000221425
One year studying without a permit, wats going on in sa H.A.
still waiting for my permit
l need to know, l’ve been waitn 4 my permit for quite long now. Some pple who took after m hve already collected their permits. Wat mst l do, stil waitn with anxious
The process for Homeaffairs its taken to long we take almost 1 year waiting
am still waiting for my permit i would like to know whats the delay
Its been a year already and still nothing ,are we ever going to get these permits.
I need mine for so many reasons.
The process for Homeaffairs its taken to long we take almost 1 year waiting, is there any other way that i can check if the permit are still going to be issued any time soon this year.
My brother has been waiting for a year to get his permit plz assist and check if its on the list his name is Thabelani Ndlovu from J.H.B.
Plz assist my brother Thabelani Ndlovu he’s stil waiting 4 his permit
Hie i submt my secnd applction undr passp in Novmdr 27 ,i jst chck my nme is not on e list ,pliz help mi @Nomsa Zuze
home affairs is still holding us back with the work permits , i submitted my form in 2011 but still the permit is not ready ….