PASSOP relies on private donations to do what we do. Although we receive project-specific funding from donor organisations, private donations allow us to keep our doors open and support our staff. Donations may be general or for a specific cause or project.
Si vous êtes intéressé par le don d'articles de seconde main ou de fournir un autre support, s'il vous plaît communiquer avec notre bureau au Physical items such as clothes, books, or food, are distributed to the township communities in which we are involved in.
You may donate directly to our organisation using the following account information:
Nom de banque: FNB
Titulaire de compte: PASSOP
Numéro de compte: 62567892255
Numéro d'agence: 250655
Type de compte: BUSINESS CHEQUE
Code BIC rapide: FIRNZAJJ (pour le transfert international ne)