PASSOP’s monitoring report of the Zimbabwean Dispensation Project can be downloaded here: Zimbabweans failed by Zimbabwe – ZDP Monitoring Report
PASSOP’s monitoring report of the Zimbabwean Dispensation Project can be downloaded here: Zimbabweans failed by Zimbabwe – ZDP Monitoring Report
3 replies on “New ZDP monitoring report launched”
Why doen’t the South African Government led by Jacob Zuma point out in the face of Robert Gabriel Mugabe that it is his government that is letting down Zimbabweans? It has been laid bare form the start of this exercise to legalise Zimbabweans’ stay in South Africa so that they earn a decent living through legal employment, that the Zimbabwean government led by Robert Gabriel Mugabe has always been pulling its legs in full view of Jacob Zuma’s knowledge and yet nothing is done to point it to Mugabe that what he is doing is very unorthodox. It is disheartening to understand what could be hindering the progress of this whole exercise when is has become so obvious that it’s Mugabe’s hatred of his own people. South Africa, whose people suffered the same fate under the dismentled apartheid, cannot not see the similarity of the same suffering that is being perpetrated by Mugabe on Zimbabweans.
Passop, please cant you do something about the Zimbabwean consulate in Pretoria.last year they were forced to come to Cape town under the Zimbabwe dispensation project to issue their own citizen with passports. they charged exorbitant fees most of these passports are out .They are now saying those who applied for passports in Cape Town must come to preatoria just to collect a passport.A single trip by bus to Preatoria cost at least R500.00.How much shall the Zimbabwean people pay for their Economic and political liberation.
Please cant you take these people to court i think thats the language they understand.
Hi Tongai – we are well aware of this problem and have been struggling to get clarity around the situation. We agree with you – it is totally unacceptable that the Zimbabwean Consulate is asking people to pick up their passports in Pretoria, even though they applied in Cape Town (or other parts of the country). Our advice at the moment is – just be patient. Sooner or later they have to make a plan to get the passports down to Cape Town. The consul general said they will, eventually, deliver the passports. But they have consistently frustrated us with an avoidance of clear answers. We will spread the news in case there are any new developments.