Distribution of Zimbabwean permits continue
PASSOP would like to inform Zimbabweans that the distribution of permits applied for under the Zimbabwean Dispensation Project continues. We call for further patience from relevant stakeholders around South Africa.
We wish to inform all Zimbabweans who are awaiting their permits that the process is still underway at the regional Department of Home Affairs (DHA) offices across the country. It appears that the department will continue, “until the process is complete”. The DHA continues to send SMSs to Zimbabweans who need to submit their fingerprints and to those whose permits are ready for collection. There are also many Zimbabweans who are presenting themselves (to the DHA offices where they applied) to submit outstanding documents such as proof of employment letters, copies of Zimbabwean passports etc, to support their applications. We are aware that there remain thousands of people still waiting for SMSs, who should in due course receive smses to submit fingerprints and later SMSs to collect their permits.
We remain concerned that some Zimbabweans have not yet received their passports from the Zimbabwean Consulate. The DHA will take fingerprints of anyone who does not have their passports. We are also worried that employers and banks are getting anxious with the prolonged finalization of the issuing and distribution of the ZDP permits. Nevertheless, it remains unclear exactly when they will complete the distribution of permits, however it appears that the Department of Home Affairs will not “shut or stop” the project until everyone who submitted their application is given a fair chance to collect their permits.
We urge employers not to unlawfully dismiss Zimbabwean employees who are still waiting for their permits, banks not to ‘freeze’ bank accounts of their Zimbabwean clients and educational institutions not to de-register students while the Department continues to work on their applications. We also advise employers to give their Zimbabwean employees time to come to the Department when they receive SMSs to complete the process and to follow up on their applications. Those who receive notification that their outcome is ready for collection should also go as soon as possible to collect their results to ensure that the process is concluded. For more on the latest information regarding fingerprints, SMSs, etc., click here.