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The Zimbabwean Consulate is finally delivering passports to the Western Cape 28 to 30 April

The Zimbabwean Consulate Finally Delivers Passports

To Zimbabweans in Cape Town

PASSOP has been informed that the Zimbabwean Consulate will finally be delivering passports to Zimbabweans who applied for them in Cape Town, following months of misinformation, which caused much panic amongst Cape Town based Zimbabwean applicants. We welcome this move, but note with concern the inconsistency in the Zimbabwean consulate’s public statements. We also note with concern that there remain applicants for the Zimbabweans Dispensation Project who still need to apply for passports, who have not been given any opportunity to do so in Cape Town.

We will monitor the process to ensure that they are held to account, it is important that human rights are respected during the distribution process and that no more assaults or political interference occurs.

Consulate officials will be distributing passports in Cape Town from the South African Department of Home Affairs office in Boston Centre, Bellville between 28 and 30 April 2011.

Applicants will be required to bring their passport application receipt for R750.00 and a Zimbabwean ID/ expired/valid passport. Please note parents and guardians collecting for children below 16 years will be required to bring their child’s birth certificate and parents Zimbabwean ID

For comment please contact: Langton Miriyoga – 084 026 9658 or Braam Hanekom – 0843191764

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