(NEW IMPORTANT NOTICE: for all Zimbabweans in the Western Cape still waiting on their ZDP permits: the Home Affairs office processing these is moving from Wynberg to BELLVILLE (Boston House, Voortrekker Road) starting from Monday, 22 August.)
PASSOP welcomes the one month extension to allow for the completion of the ZDP
The Department of Home Affairs Deputy Director-General, Jackie McKay, today announced that the Zimbabwe Dispensation Project will be concluded at the end of August 2011, rather than the end of July. We welcome this one month extension, as we had previously been under the impression that the deadline would certainly be at the end of July. This is evident in the following two transcripts: dated 22nd of February 2011 click here and the 30th of June 2011 click here. We therefore wish to advise all Zimbabwean nationals that, although not termed an extension, they have essentially been given an extra month to collect their permits. It is our concern, however, that one month may be ambitious considering the delay by the Zimbabwean Government to issue passports, and the time consuming process of distributing the permits.
We view this extension as a positive move and recognize that the department has once again exercised diligence in ensuring the smooth and thorough completion of the entire process.
For comment please contact: Langton Miriyoga: 084 026 9658 or Doug Leresche 079 712 7341.
5 replies on “One month ZDP Extension Granted”
That’s a relief! I went to the showground offices today to check the status of my application and we were told the offices are currently under construction and thus, no-one could attend to us. We were then told to leave the premises and not given a date when we could check again. It’s all guess-work right now, so we just keep going as and when we get an off-day at work.
Something must be wrong somewhere. Permits issued so far 133331. Applications adjudicated awaiting permits 142431. Can someone please assist me by explaining what this means. Are we saying that they just need to write down the applicants details on the permit paper ? If yes when are they going to finish and how much time do they need. I have been checking with the call centre for more than a month but the responses which I am getting is very frustrating to say the list.
You are right that there are many problems surrounding the finalisation of the ZDP.
They say 133331 permits have been issued while 142 341 applications are adjudicated. The meaning of this, to us, is that the Department has not finished processing more than half of the applications submitted. Of the 133331 which they say have been issued, some have not been dispatched to the various Home Affairs office around the country where Zimbabweans applied. Moreso, some permits have been dispatched but have not been collected at these centres. We are also aware that many people are still waiting for their fingerprints to be taken, while some have not even received their passports from the Zimbabwe Consulate in Johannesburg to proceed to have their fingerprints taken.
We are worried about those who have not received their permits by 31 July, and that is why we wrote a letter to the Minister requesting for at least 2 months extension of the deadline. We are not interested in the words that the DHA is throwing around in the media e.g 142431 ‘adjudicated’, 133331 ‘issued’ etc. We need to see the actual permits being delivered to Zimbaweans where they applied as soon as possible. The bottom line is, the DHA will be able to claim that they have completed the ZDP after everyone has received the final outcome of their application.
For advice on specific issues, please contact us on 021 820 4664 or 084 026 9658.
Please advice . I applied for a permit without a passp[ort and never submitted other supporting documents as well. I have since received my passport . I have not received any sms form dha to come in and time is running out please what is the next step
Cant gvt make a plan to pay my 9 months public school teacher’s salary while i await my permit application outcome. I applied for the permit last year. My number 0746442007: CAN SOMEONE ADVICE ME PLEASE.