News PASSOP Watch

UPDATE: Zimbabwean Dispensation Project

The Zimbabwean Dispensation Project (ZDP) continued throughout the festive season. PASSOP is still monitoring and providing support at the Bellville Department of Home Affairs, the office which is handling the project for the Cape Town region. It has been a long process which has put great strain on the DHA as they have been doing more than their normal mandate. PASSOP appreciates their commitment to seeing the project through to ensure all applications will be dealt with.

Whether in Bellville or at the Office, via phone and facebook messages, we continue assisting and advising applicants on issues like permit extensions and passport transfers to contacting banks and employers where necessary. We are still encountering applicants who have not yet received their SMS to do fingerprints or whose application is still pending. Our latest report from Pretoria is that the ZDP project will be finalized by the end of March.  From our observations and interactions, we are hopeful that this date will be the end, particularly because the Bellville section dealing with ZDP will be closed, which will create further complication and delays.  Currently there about 50 permits collected per day from Bellville, and a further 5-10 people a day coming to have their fingerprints taken.

We continue to publish the permits ready for collection on our website; in the month of February alone we published the names of over 1700 people whose permits are ready for collection on our website. This allows applicants to see if their permits are ready without taking a day off work to physically report in.

4 replies on “UPDATE: Zimbabwean Dispensation Project”

I applied for study permit for my two sons under the ZDP project but up to now home affairs bellville still say their applications are pending. The names Tanaka. S Mutero and Tinovonga Mutero are all going to school. Plz help.

I applied 4 my work permit October 2010 with a passport which was valid for 8mnths ,Ithen applied 4 a new passport which cm out the time my work permit come out .As the permit was not having the old passport no. they took it back ,together with photo copies of a new and old passport that was May 2011 ,since then nothing .I go they take photocopies again and now am worried as we a approching end of March.pliz help.

i have aplied pa zdp program but still never had an sms had gone to bellville for a while to check but stil no sms they took my dertails saying wil sent to PRETORIA but still no sms yet.Now have no idea wat is happenning guyz maybe you can help thank you.

I now believe it when they say its “Horror Affairs”. Applied my permit on the 11/11/10 and sms received after two weeks to confirm that they receive my papers on 15/04/11 received a sms to go and collect my permit in 5 days. With curiosity i went to Home Affairs higher expections that I finally made it but surprise to be told they are still waiting. Since then I do regular visits every month to check but to no avail, I demanded to check the system updates myself since I’m system literate then it shock me to find out that my papers were received at Pretoria on 15/04/11 and finilized, send to office of application (Wynberb Cape Town) and received by the office on the same day. I ask the Manager how could that be, but never get answers, I did not worry about that since they could rectify the problem. On the 15/04/12 I went to the office since it was a year then “Horror Affairs” tell me it was collected, with several questions they couldn’t reply I was told to ignore updated COLLECTED since I want to find more infor I called call centre they told it was collected and told that the Manager is the only person who can rectify but since he told me to ignore I have no else to go to. How can Pretoria Head Office know that I never received my permit? Passop promised to help but never came back to me if it was not for my bank account close I wouldn’t both because this office will never solve genuine problems. HELP

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